Brett Johnson
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"We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then,
is not an act,
 but a habit."

Brett Johnson teaches voice to a large studio of diverse singers from around the world.  Combining a deep understanding of vocal technique with a finely-tuned ear, he is known for his welcoming, empathic, and encouraging presence.

Balancing the skills required to sing well with the call to expressive art, he invites each student to discover and take charge of his or her individual journey.  Brett works from a collaborative master-to-master model, combining his own unique experience with the full involvement of each student.

Brett is also an accomplished composer, with works that have been performed by noted Boston choral organizations. 

 "Don't ask what the world needs. 
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs
are people who have come alive."
 Howard Thurman